
Motivating Students

Trying to motivate a student to study can be challenging, but that doesn't have to be the case all the time. The team at Link will give you tips to help your student stay motivated.

It's tough enough for students to get motivated to study, let alone helping a friend or colleague. Helping them gain confidence through positive feedback and reinforcement can encourage a student to hit the books. The team at Link will give you tips to get your student motivated to study.

Use Positive Psychology

Know the specifics of what is keeping them from studying- Most times, people will feel discouraged at something that seems too difficult for them. Ask questions and listen to them talk about what’s hard for them when it comes to studying and how you or others can assist them.

  • You can ask the student questions such as (1)what do you feel unsure about? (2)Do you know anyone who could help you understand the material better? (3) or Do you need me to help you keep focused while you study?

Have students talk about their past accomplishments in school- Students have faced multiple stressful events this year and are still managing to come out on the other side. Start a conversation by saying, “How did you prepare for the last hard exam you passed?”

  • Throughout their studying, use positive reinforcement to remind them that they can overcome their obstacles.

Have students write down their intended goals- Ask them what they want to achieve from studying. Then list the smaller goals they want to achieve along the way to reach bigger ones.

  • If possible, have a student break down their goals to their smallest steps, and begin helping them work through them.

Help the student maintain motivation

Give rewards for reaching goals- Have the student decide what they will earn for reaching their study goals. Watch an episode or two of their favorite show, play a video game, make their favorite meal, etc. Have them write it down or post it on a corkboard.

  • Think about having smaller rewards for completing smaller goals along the way, such as a 10-15 minute study break after working for 30 minutes. You can even have kind reminders of the rewards throughout the study session as motivation.

Separate the difficult subjects- If a student has a class that is giving them trouble, study the material for shorter amounts of time, so they do not get overwhelmed.

Have students ask questions about the material- Write down questions they want to know about before they start reviewing the material. When they finish, have them answer questions to see if they have learned it.

  • If the student can't answer the questions, focus on those areas.

Have them teach their friend (s) the material- Once a student knows the material, they can take a turn to teach another person the material.

  • If you're unfamiliar with the material, see how well your friend can teach them. Ask questions to have them clarify the material they are reviewing.

Form a study group- Even if it is not a familiar subject, studying with other people can motivate them to work better than by themselves.

  • If a student needs help while studying, they can try working with classmates who are studying the same material.

  • Avoid studying with friends that will serve as a distraction.

With most students being home-schooled due to the pandemic, it can be challenging for the parents. However, they can set up a study group during the quarantine. If a student needs help, have them work with classmates who are studying the same material.

Find a knowledgeable person interested in the subject- They can provide answers to questions a student has and provide unique feedback that may help them understand the material.

  • The teacher of the course is a guaranteed resource for the information they need. Schedule a time to meet with them during their office hours to re-review information that may be unclear to a student.

Teach aspects of their life with the applied material- Research ways in which our daily lives involve the material they are learning. If they need motivation, remind them how the material can play a role in everyday life. It may get them more interested in learning about it.

  • Of course, ask the teacher if they can site examples of the use of that material.

Associate studying as something the student wants to do- Practice having the student go through these steps when they study, separate rewards for accomplishing goals and have the students work in groups to stay motivated. If a friend has an interest in the material, they will see studying as less of a hassle, wanting to learn more about it.

Staying Motivated for College Admissions

For high school students interested in going to college, we suggest following these essay prompts to get you ready for the college application process. Prepare yourself for your future. A student attending high school is a transition; attending college is a big transition. If you want to attend college, we suggest planning during your high school years. Prepare for your future!